Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

Low carb diets can help control both blood sugar and insulin levels in those living with diabetes, but may lead to unwanted side effects like fatigue and digestive troubles.

Many healthy foods contain carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits and nonstarchy vegetables. Eliminating carbohydrates could make it harder to get enough fiber and essential nutrients into your diet.

Reduced cravings

By altering your eating habits by cutting back on carbs, it may help you reduce cravings. Since carbohydrates such as sugars and grains make up most of our caloric intake, cutting these out of the diet may help decrease cravings.

Feed your hunger and energy needs with low-carb, whole foods to stay satisfied and feel your best. This includes eating protein-rich eggs, fish, chicken (without breading or batter), nuts and avocados.

Drinking plenty of water is another effective way to manage hunger and cravings. People may mistake thirst for hunger, so keeping a glass of water nearby at all times may reduce the desire to snack on high-carb foods. Incorporating sources of healthy fats at every meal such as olive or canola oil, avocados, cheese and most types of meat such as venison and bison (without processed or filler additives).

Increased energy

Limiting carbs allows the body to use fat as energy source, giving you a much-needed energy boost.

Dukan and keto diets, for instance, both restrict carbohydrates while still permitting healthy fats such as avocadoes, nuts and seeds, olive oil and healthy oils like flax seed oil to be included. Whole vegetables and low glycemic fruits can also be included.

Though low carb diets offer many advantages, it is important to remember that this approach may not suit everyone. Your genetics, metabolism and lifestyle all play a role here and limiting one food group may result in nutritional deficiencies or imbalances – for instance cutting fiber out may negatively impact gut microbiome health as well as cause constipation! For this reason it may be best to combine a low-carb diet with other eating patterns in order to find what works for you best.

Weight loss

Most people consume most of their calories through carbohydrates, so eliminating them from diet leads to an impressive calorie deficit and eventual weight loss.

While cutting carbs may lead to weight loss, it’s still essential to practice portion control and ensure you are getting adequate carbohydrates from healthy sources like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, eating fats such as those found in avocados, nuts and olive oil is recommended.

Low carb diets are an effective way to lose weight, but before making any dramatic dietary changes it’s essential that you consult your physician first. Interprofessional care coordination involving doctors, pharmacists and dietitians provides the most efficient approach to meeting patient goals and staying healthy. Don’t forget the INTEGRIS On Your Health blog from Oklahoma City-based INTEGRIS Medical Group in order to stay informed on ways you can improve your physical wellbeing!

Improved health

Low carb eating plans offer many short-term advantages, including improved metabolism, lower cholesterol levels and an increase in HDL (good) cholesterol. Furthermore, eating plans incorporating less than 30 grams of carbohydrates per day may increase healthy fat in your body reducing heart disease risk and high blood pressure risk.

However, experts caution that following a low carb diet can create issues. For instance, certain low carb diets exclude certain food groups like grains, fruits, and vegetables which provide important vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals necessary for overall wellbeing.

Limiting carbohydrates may also lower the number of healthy bacteria in your gut, which could result in digestive distress and energy losses. Furthermore, restricting carbohydrates may result in sodium deficiency if foods high in this mineral aren’t included – this could pose problems for people with heart or kidney issues; they should consult their physician about adequate sodium consumption intake.


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